Goulart Filmes

Tag: Sir Neville Marriner

  • Jornal Vanguarda: Documentary about Aldo Baldin premieres in film festival in New York

    by Luciano Schimidtz

    “Yves worked for more than ten years researching and interviewing people with whom Aldo lived, from his first accordion teacher in the countryside of Urussanga to the most prominent maestros who conducted him, including family, friends, admirers and students, and managed to put together a true lyrical piece that goes beyond a biography. The narration, done by Aldo himself, who had recorded his trajectory on cassette tapes, the stunning soundtrack composed of songs recorded throughout his career and the images of incredible beauty captured through the filmmaker’s lenses make the film a masterpiece worthy of the protagonist.”

    “In addition to discovering the man Aldo Baldin, Yves Goulart allows us to discover art and culture that we don’t have and that have historically been withheld from us by public policies uninterested in beauty and the sublime. Aldo went out into the world on his own in search of what belonged to him and his example teaches us a lot about the possibilities we have as well as the ones we could have.”

    Jornal Vanguarda: Documentary about Aldo Baldin premieres in film festival in New York