“‘It’s amazing Baldin’s story, his remarkable personality, persistence and determination since he was a child, the difficulties he faced that never made him give up, the love he had for this art, his talent built with so much training and impeccable work. The documentary portrays each phase of his life with reports from Aldo himself’, said Giovanna De Pellegrin.”
Jornal Vanguarda: After the screening in New York, the film about Aldo Baldin premieres in Brazil
Aldo Baldin Andreas Keller Bernhard Gärtner Bruno Klein Celso Antunes Cicinato Cascais da Silva Cleber Bonotto Darcy Brasiliano dos Santos Delfina Baldin Sangaletti Edino Krieger Eliane Sampaio Erico Dias Fany Solter Fernando Portari Galileu Sangaletti Giovanna De Pellegri Goulart Filmes Havana Film Festival Helmuth Rilling Heloísa Nemoto Vergara Hera Lind Hernán Iturralde in-edit IN-EDIT BRASIL Irene Flesch Baldin Isaac Karabtchevsky José Araujo Filho Karajan Laura Lindolfo Lilian Barretto Marc Marshall Marcelo Nigri Marga Schiml Maria Lúcia Godoy Miguel Proença música clássica Nayglon Goulart Neyde Borges Coelho Noemi Kellermann Peter Lika Roberto de Regina Roberto Saccà Rolf Beck Serena Flesch Baldin Sidney Schroeder Sir Neville Marriner Sofia Flesch Baldin tenor Tim Starnes Urussanga Viviane Rangel Walter Forchert Walter Santos Filho Yves Goulart