“The 21st anniversary of the Santana Mine explosion, in Urussanga, is the theme of the photographic exhibition in the lobby of the Santa Catarina State University. It will also be presented a documentary on the subject, entitled Black Gold, by filmmaker Yves Goulart. The short film is about the accident in the Santana mine, which happened on September 10, 1984, after an explosion caused by the accumulation of methane gas, which killed 31 miners.”
Rádio Criciúma: Santana Mine explosion is theme of exhibition
10 de setembro de 1984 Alexandre Costa Antonia Gama Bacia Carbonífera de Santa Catarina Black Gold Cecílio Bernardino Cia Carbonífera Rio Deserto coal mine Curta Brasil explosão em mina Fabio Fausto Festival de Gramado gás metano Gilberto Borges Goulart Filmes Hélio Teixeira Ivana Bentes Jaime Consoni Laerte Barcelos Luiz Geraldo Antunes Marcelo Nigri methane gas mina de carvão mine explosion mineiros mineradores Nani Góis Nilton Ferraro Ouro Negro Pedro Franco Rudimar Aguiar Salésio Donato Velho Tim Starnes Urussanga Vanderson Mendes Wilson Nilton liberato Yves Goulart