Goulart Filmes

Veja Rio: Surprise for Karabtchevsky at premiere of doc about tenor Aldo Baldin

by Lu Lacerda

“Eight days before turning 90, maestro Isaac Karabtchevsky will receive a tribute at the CCBB, with the premiere of the film Aldo Baldin – A Life for Music, on December 19.”

“Isaac Karabtchevsky, one of the Brazilians who worked with Aldo, was invited to give a statement in the film. ‘I discovered a message recorded by Aldo for the maestro in 1994, the same year of his death. In the film editing, I have the two of them talking about the art and music process. Aldo mentions him on the list of the greatest conductors in the world, so it is a double tribute, for Aldo and Isaac, who have never heard this recording’, says Yves.”

Veja Rio: Surprise for Karabtchevsky at premiere of doc about tenor Aldo Baldin